带油漆. 恢复部分. 节省时间 & 钱.

Mistakes happen, and parts get rejected, but within difficulty lies opportunity. Taking on challenges is what we do best. Hubbard-Hall’s expert team can help you successfully even the toughest paints and 涂料. We’ll help you save components, time, and money all while minimizing environmental impact. Designed for multiple metal and non-metal substrates, we offer various pH formulas designed for a range of temperatures and in several concentrations. Side-by-side on your line, 我们的团队 will work with yours to identify the right solutions and help you apply them in the most efficient ways possible.


Aqua带 ACB


Mildly acidic liquid concentrate used to remove the most tenacious of polymeric 涂料.

Aqua带 1200


Fast acting and free rinsing alkaline 带per that accommodates final finish.



Excellent choice for remove paint, powder coat, and acrylic 涂料 from all metal types.

Hero 产品: Aqua带 1200

见过 & Solved Season 2 Episode 20

Advanced 油漆剥离 Technology Removes The Most Difficult Coatings

Our line of rapid and effective paint 带ping chemicals are free of chlorinated solvents and phenols. With an emphasis on the environment, these products include alkaline, acidic, 过氧化氢 and other organic based products.



Aqua带 ACB was determined to be an effective paint 带per for both steel and aluminum, containing either a polyurethane or (Chemical Agent Resistant Coating) CARC based coating.  The 涂料 were fully removed within 30 to 60 minutes.

Several factors influence the rate and effectiveness of a paint 带ping operation. Beyond the chemistry used – temperature, agitation, & filtration are all important contributing factors.

What To Expect From Aqua带

  • Multiple substrate options
  • Low operating temperatures
  • Low pH formulas available
  • Varied solution concentrates
  • 延长浴槽寿命
  • Environmentally-friendly


  • Recover rejected parts to reapply desired coating
  • Reuse masking material and plugs
  • Sustainably remanufacture aluminum alloy wheels
  • Remove unwanted e-coat for reapplication
  • Extend the life of valuable automotive parts including engines, transmissions and brakes

Paint Strippers for All 基板

Operating Temperature
Aqua带 ACBx140-170°F所有的金属 & 屏蔽材料Breaks bond, removes in sheetsAqueous, acidic paint & powder 带per for all substrates
Aqua带 1200x150-200°F黑色金属溶解碱性颜料 带per for ferrous substrates
Aqua带 WS-1150-200°F所有的金属溶解Alkaline liquid paint 带per, safe on all metals
Aqua带艾尔环境温度- 160°F所有的黑色 & 有色金属溶解
Mild alkaline liquid paint 带per, safe on all metals

油漆剥离 产品 List

Aqua带 1200碱性颜料 & powder 带per for ferrous substrates
Excellent for 剥离 Hooks & 架
Aqua带 ACBAqueous, Acidic Paint & Powder Stripper for Various 基板
Excellent for 屏蔽材料 & military CARC 涂料
Aqua带 105Aqua带 105 is an acidic liquid concentrate, used to replenish the depleted acid components of Aqua带 ACB working baths.
Aqua带 110Aqua带 110 is a neutral pH paint 带per designed for 带ping paint from zinc alloys
without damaging the underlying metals.
Aqua带议员Alkaline 带per for epoxy hybrid & polyester powder coats for all substrates
Aqua带 THXMildly acidic 带per for polyurethane & 环氧粉末涂料
Aqua带 680除漆剂 & 地板蜡去除剂
Aqua带 WS-1Alkaline liquid concentrate to remove powder and acrylic coating from all metal types.
First choice when choosing a paint 带per to remove paint & powder-coat from steel and aluminum wheels.
Aqua带艾尔Mild alkaline paint and powder remover for all metal types.
